Super Smash Bros Snake Codec Call
Solid Snake ソリッド スネーク, Solid Snake, also known simply as Snake, is a major protagonist of the Metal Gear series, created by Konami.
Also, it needs to be in his stage. Shadow Moses Island
7 years ago 2 0
Just press 1 and 2 at the same time.
Love_Struct8 answered:
Press 1 and 2 then press 2 repeatedly if Snakes fingers are placed in his ears. Must be done at Shadow Moses, he calls, Mei Ling, Colonel, Slippy and Otacon. Do it at Training Mode to avoid some physical attacks and projectiles. Also, try codec call to Kirby and Jigglypuff with Snake at Shadow Moses Island SMI ---Kirby s and Jigglypuffs codec calls from Snake are very hilarious ---
Look at Codec Guide to see how Snake and his codec call-mate talks I forgot what guide, but its about codecs, try looking for it.
7 years ago 0 1
Kraleck answered:
Barely press the button input for Down Taunt on Shadow Moses Island.
There are different codec calls for each character Snake fights and different cutoffs for each contact.
You can only pull this off once per Brawl and it completely fails if Snake is hit during the connection animation kneeling, hand to his ear.
sleepfan answered:
When you are playing as Snake at the stage Shadow Moses Island you have to repeatedly press 2 if you are using the remote and nunchuk. When Snake doesn t put the cardboard box over his head but crouches instead with his finger in his ear the codec call will pop up at the bottom of the screen.
Note: The colonel goes nuts when you use the codec while fighting Luigi :
7 years ago 0 0
manticore16 answered:
On Shadow Moses Island Snake s stage tap the down taunt. Snake will go into an animation that is not the cardboard box, he takes a knee and puts a finger to his ear. It ll take a few seconds and if he s hit it ll fail and you can only do it once per brawl, so be wary. If you do it right you ll get the codec on one of your opponents.
This also works with any of the Starfox characters on the Lylat Cruise stage and with Fox and Falco on the Corneria stage.
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